Diocesan Services Appeal - Stock Donations
Gifts of Stocks/Securities
You can enjoy greater tax savings by donating gifts of stock to the Diocese of Palm Beach for use wherever the diocese deems the need is greatest or for use by a parish, school, or ministry within the Diocese.
By giving a gift of appreciated securities, you can avoid paying capital gains on the stock or security, receive a charitable gift deduction on your tax return and the diocese, parish or diocesan Ministry receives the full value of your security.
Most commonly stocks are delivered through a broker at your request, for other options please contact the development office at 561-775-9590.
Deliver Stock Through a Broker
Please instruct your broker to transfer the stock to our account; do not instruct your broker to sell the stock, either in your name or in our name. Your charitable gift deduction is calculated on the date the security is transferred into the Diocese of Palm Beach's brokerage account..
Please fill out and print the Stock Transfer Form and send a copy to your broker and another copy to David Walsh at the Diocesan Development Office:
For further information please call 561-775-9590 and speak with David Walsh, Associate Director of Development, in the Office of Development at the Diocese of Palm Beach.